Saturday, April 14, 2012

       ¡Buenas tardes bloggies! Guess what? Yours truly will take part of one of the greatest festival of all...IFest!! Yep, the Houston International Festival is a contemporary, multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural outdoor arts festival that annually attracts hundreds of thousands of people to downtown Houston for two weekends every April. The culture of a different country or theme is spotlighted each year and is known for being one of the largest presenters of world music. Encompassing 16 blocks of city parks, plazas and streets, the outdoor event features seven themed entertainment zones celebrating the heritage of various cultures from around the world. In this case, the spotlight is on Argentina!! [ Like my rose? :-) ]  The South American country is known as the  eighth largest in the world by land area and the largest among Spanish-speaking nations. The Argentine culture has significant European influences from the visual arts, architecture, theatre, music and cuisine ( hmmmmm... I guess we, Texans, aren't the only ones who love barbecuing ). If you're in town, tango your way to downtown Houston to experience the latin groove of  Argentina,  April 21-22, and 28-29,  2012. Vamos a bailar?

Please go to  for more info. 

Check out my calendar!!! It's out NOW!!!

Monalisa's Journey

Calendar January 2012 (12 Months) 
     (1 Ratings)
Monalisa's Journey
List Price: $25.00
Price: $23.75
You Save: $1.25 ( 5% )
Ships in 3-5 business days
“Art, to me, is more than just my talent or a gift. Primarily, it is a calling from God… …It is my way of communicating to the public when I do not speak verbally to them. Art is a journal (or diary), a mirror reflecting on my life..."

Below are some of my pieces from the 2012 calender...

For more info please go to

Sunday, April 8, 2012

 Have A Happy Easter Day!!!! 
A Thomas Kinkade Tribute

  The art world has lost another legend on April 6 of this year. Here (below) are some of the incredible paints he's done that made him so beloved. Known for his depliction with tranquil scenes included lush landscaping, cottages, churches, and streams running nearby. Many contain images from Bible passages. 

In 2002, he told the media that he's "a warrior for light",   in reference to his technical skills, but also the medieval practice of using light to symbolize the divine. "With whatever talent and resources I have," Kinkade said, " I'm trying to bring light to penetrate the darkness many people feel." This post is not about sorrow, it's about joy knowing that another soldier has gone home. Thanks, Mr. Kinkade, for allowing the Light to shine through you.